Enough! is going to host the sub-theme session “The Scottish Degrowth Commission: work, livelihoods and a ‘just transition’” with Svenja Meyerricks and Ewan Mackenzie at the joint conference of the International Degrowth Research Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics on 5th – 8th July 2021.
‘The Scottish Degrowth Commission’ is a panel discussion to explore how degrowth ideas and practices can influence ideas to restore people’s work and livelihoods in Scotland in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic fallout. The concept of a ‘just transition’,used by climate justice campaigns in relation to the pandemic and its aftermath, is useful when considering ways forward to restore and reconfigure people’s livelihoods by redistributing work and shifting industries towards those compatible with ecological restoration and zero carbon practices. See our open call for contributions for more information.
Submission guidelines: Please send abstracts to [email protected] and [email protected] by the 31st of May 2021. Contributions are welcomed from anyone with experience or ideas in the above topics. We invite the sharing of ideas in any form – creative and innovative forms of presentation are welcome. We will also have two additional online sessions: a warming up session where presenters can meet, and a follow-up ‘meet and greet’ session where participants will be invited after the main event.
Each presenter will be funded by Enough! to cover the conference fees in order to attend the online conference.
The Scottish Degrowth Commission – Open Call