Entries by Enough!

Open Call for LESS #2

LESS is a journal of degrowth, radical sufficiency and decolonisation in Scotland. LESS questions and challenges dominant narratives about what economic progress means in Scotland, and sketches out alternative visions. The focus is on collective and democratic solutions to sustaining livelihoods that meet people’s needs while rising to the threats of climate change, ecocide and...

NECESSITY Website Launch: A living archive rooted in social and environmental justice

Enough! is one of many groups and projects featured on a new website that launches this week: www.necessity.infoNECESSITY is a living archive rooted in social and environmental justice. The site aims to share stories, learning and research from across the UK. It supports communities to strengthen and adapt to ongoing economic and climate challenges. It also offers funding to...

New ONLINE SHORT COURSE – Degrowth in Scotland: Degrowing the Economy, Regrowing Our Lives

New Online Short Course6 Weeks Running 6 Oct - 10 Nov 2020Tuesday evenings, 6:30pm - 8:30pmEnough! and the Centre for Human Ecology are offering an online short course (delivered via Zoom) which will introduce participants to the historic gains and problems of economic growth and the principles of degrowth and ecological economics. The course...

Learning from Lockdown

What did lockdown reveal about ourselves, our communities, our society, our government? From across Scotland, we want to gather some of the #learningfromlockdown.We want to hear your thoughts; good, bad, indifferent. Personal reflections or political rants. What have we learnt about what really matters? And as the return to ‘normal’ ramps up - what...

A Call from Scotland to Embrace Degrowth Thinking on #GlobalDegrowthDay

A Call from Scotland to Embrace Degrowth Thinking on #GlobalDegrowthDay Saturday 6th June, 2020As long as our economy is dependent on growth, any ‘economic recovery’ from the coronavirus will be a disaster. Instead, Scotland needs a planned, sustainable, and equitable downscaling and a fundamental reorganising of the economy.Today, on #GlobalDegrowthDay, we lay out some...

Acting Out

Gehan Macleod is one of the people traveling around Europe with our Routes programme. Here she describes where she's coming from and where's shes headed to.Coming from a 90s background in environmental and anti-nuclear activism, I found myself involved in the beginnings of GalGael - a community organisation that originated around a protest fire...

‘Deep Adaptation, Deep Solidarity’ film footage: Jem Bendell and Gehan Macleod

On the 21st of September 2019, Enough! hosted (in collaboration with Bella Caledonia and the Centre for Human Ecology) the event Deep Adaptation, Deep Solidarity in the Scottish Youth Theatre in Glasgow to explore the following questions:What does climate breakdown mean for us in practice?How do our lives need to change to respond...

Enough! Response to Programme of Government

Enough! Welcomes the Programme of Government as an acknowledgement of and commitment to responding to the Climate Emergency.The Enough Collective, Scotland's new climate and economy think-tank, has issued the following statement on the Scottish Government's Programme for Government and its climate emergency policies.Enough! repeats our assertion that any efforts to tackle climate change...