Entries by Svenja Meyerricks

Before the Trauma

In June 2020, Enough! hosted Stories for Terrestrial Survival, a creative writing workshop led by poet and translator Juana Adcock. The workshop was held to honour Degrowth Day.Here we share some of the writing produced during the workshop.Before the Traumaby Justin Kenrick1Before the traumawas the tiny palmsearching for love,embodying love.In the beginningwas connectionand emergence:knowing nothing,embodying everything.2.The trauma...

Upending: conversations about crisis responses, shifting narratives and systems change

Enough!'s series of fortnightly online conversations explores how we can shift narratives together and amplify mutual support in response to the interrelated crises of the covid-19 pandemic, capitalism and climate change.Past events:Searching for a Decolonised Childhood, with Sapna AgarwalThursday 9th July, 7pm - 8:30pmhttps://youtu.be/cPPcPigSs1UCreating a decolonised environment for children to grow up in...