Entries by Mike

Meticulous the Gardener

Meticulous the Gardener by Tawona Ganyamatopé Sitholéthat plant is a weedmeticulous the gardenerdecides with no hesitationgrowing where it shouldn'tso of kukoshahaving noneso here comenecessary tools for necessaryhackinghackingdiggingdiggingthat plantof a thriving populationborn of wind pollinationgrounded such thingearthed by totem beinga weed for weedingand to do it properlyhave to pull from the rootsand that's the land...

The Virus is Not Degrowth

This statement by the degrowth.info editorial team is helpful as the Enough Collective and climate activists (and all of us) continue to get our heads around the current crisis.Degrowth advocates for a general slowdown and large emissions reductions, minus the pandemic and social distress.The coronavirus (covid-19) has caused upheaval across the world, deaths...